Car Seat Headrest annoncerer første nye studiealbum i fem år – The Scholars ude d. 2/5
Car Seat Headrest kan i dag annoncere The Scholars - en modig ny rockopera, der ikke blot er et nyt kapitel, men også en spirituel genfødsel, og bandets første studiealbum i fem år. Albummet udkommer d. 2. maj 2025 på Matador Records / Playground Music.
Fra Shakespeare til Mozart til klassisk opera har frontman Will Toledo fundet inspiration i klassikerne, da han udtænkte teksterne og historiens forløb på The Scholars, mens musikken omhyggeligt trækker på klassiske rock-fortællingscyklusser som Tommy af The Who og Ziggy Stardust af David Bowie.
“One thing that can be a struggle with rock operas is that the individual songs kind of get sacrificed for the flow of the plot,” fortæller Toledo. “I didn't want to sacrifice that to make a very fluid narrative. And so this is sort of a middle ground where each song can be a character and it's like each one is coming out on center stage and they have their song and dance.”
Sangene på The Scholars foregår på det fiktive college-kampus Parnassus University. På hver sang kan man høre historier om elever og ansatte på universitetet – om deres liv, død og genfødsel. Om karakteren fra sangen ’Gethsemane’, fortæller bandet:
“Rosa studies at the medical school of Parnassus University. After an experience bringing a medically deceased patient back to life, she begins to regain powers suppressed since childhood, of healing others by absorbing their pain. Each night, instead of dreams, she encounters the raw pain and stories of the souls she touches throughout the day. Reality blurs, and she finds herself taken deep into secret facilities buried beneath the medical school, where ancient beings that covertly reign over the college bring forth their dark plans.”
Se videoen til førstesinglen ’Gethsemane’ - en 11-minutter-lang, fortælling (instrueret af Andrew Wonder), der giver et indblik ind i den spirituelle rejse, som udgør hjertet af dette album – her.
1. CCF (I’m Gonna Stay With You)
2. Devereaux
3. Lady Gay Approximately
4. The Catastrophe (Good Luck With That, Man)
5. Equals
6. Gethsemane
7. Reality
8. Planet Desperation
9. True/False Lover