Lidt om os.
Playground Music blev grundlagt i 1999 og er i dag nordens største uafhængige musikselskab med kontorer i Malmø, Stockholm, København, Oslo, Helsinki, Tampere og Tallinn.
Vi arbejder med A&R (pop, hiphop, indie, rock, elektronisk mv.), promotion, markedsføring, social media - kort sagt udgivelse og udvikling af danske artister.
Vi arbejder også internationalt med vores artister - overvåger rettigheder og claimer indtægter for dem.
Vi er repræsenteret på alle digitale platforme og er også YouTube certificerede.
Vi repræsenterer desuden et stort antal udenlandske og nordiske musikselskaber.
Vi er engageret i de nordiske brancheforeninger, samt de internationale såsom IMPALA og WIN.
Vi har naturligvis underskrevet Fair Digital Deal Declaration som WIN indførte for at forbedre transparensen over for artisterne. Dette gør vi for at understøtte vores engagement for retfærdighed og åbenhed i musikbranchen.
Vi er altid nysgerrige - vi elsker musik - vi elsker at arbejde med musik.
Playground Music Sublabels
Reservation of rights – AI
Responsibly produced AI tools have significant potential for the music sector. Throughout history, technological advancements have played a key role in transforming the creative industries, and AI is set to continue this evolution. We support our artists and songwriters in engaging with emerging technologies that can elevate their creative expression. However, it’s essential that these innovations safeguard the rights of all those involved in creating and distributing music and that their rights are respected and licensed specifically in advance.
Without prejudice to any prior rights reservations, Playground Music Scandinavia AB hereby expressly reaffirms that its rights are fully reserved as set out below. We reaffirm that:
Any past, present or future access, use, copying, reproduction, extraction, distribution or exploitation of any of the works or content (or portion thereof) owned or controlled by Playground Music Scandinavia AB (including recordings, audiovisual recordings, composition, lyrics, artwork, images, data, metadata, etc.) for the purpose of text and data mining, AI training, development or commercialization of AI systems, tools or technology, web scraping, mining, altering, making extractions, preparing derivative works or similar purposes, and by any means, is prohibited, except as specifically and explicitly authorized by Playground Music Scandinavia AB. The use of any artist name, image, likeness and voice also requires specific permission.
- In the absence of an express advance licence permitting the above uses, we expressly reserve our rights in respect of the use of by Playground Music Scandinavia AB’s content, including without limitation under Article 4 of the EU Directive 2019/790/EC or similar laws in other jurisdictions (to the extent that this Article would apply to the above uses, an interpretation we do not agree with). Our reservation applies to all content owned or controlled by Playground Music Scandinavia AB, now or in the future, including where this content may be identified through publicly available means.
- We will take the necessary steps to prevent the infringement of our rights.
Inquiries regarding AI training permissions and related issues can be sent to