Flock of Dimes annoncerer kommende album med ny single – Head Of Roses (Sub Pop) udkommer d. 2/4
I dag udgiver Flock of Dimes (aka Jenn Wasner) sin nye single ’Two’, taget fra det kommende album Head of Roses, der udkommer d. 2. april 2021 på Sub Pop / Playground Music. Wasners andet album, Head of Roses, viser hendes evner til at omfavne nye niveauer af sårbarhed, ærlighed og åbenhed, kombineret med den selvsikkerhed, der kommer af en årti-lang karriere som sangskriver, multiinstrumentalist og populær samarbejdspartner.
Singlen ’Two’ udkommer i dag sammen med en musikvideo instrueret af Lola B. Pierson og Cricket Arrison. I hovedrollerne ses Wasner og Arrison. Om videoens specifikke tema fortæller instruktørende:
”The world of the video shows two humans during three consecutive days. One human lives her life from morning to night, the other from night to morning. In the middle of the day they meet and the next day begins. By exploring dichotomies (natural/artificial, day/night, everyday/majestic) the work points to the pain caused by categorization and the joy of unification.”
Wasner uddyber "’Two’ is about trying to find a kind of balance between independence and interdependence, and the multitudes within ourselves. It's about trying to reconcile the desire to maintain a sense of personal autonomy and freedom with the need to connect deeply with others. And it's about struggling to feel at home in a body, and learning how to accept that the projection of self that you show to others will always be incomplete.
“I made this video with an incredible team of generous and talented people, including some very dear old friends. I think what we made captures the spirit of the song perfectly---the sense of delight and wonder at the absurd beauty of everyday life, and the true moments of spontaneous joy that can erupt in those rare moments when you catch a glimpse of yourself the way others see you.”
Se videoen og lyt til 'Two' her.
Det kommende album, der indeholder sange som ’Two’, ’Price of Blue’, ’Hard Way’ og ’One More Hour’, er produceret af Nick Sanborn (Sylvan Esso) og Wasner hos Betty’s i Chapel Hill, NC, med teknisk hjælp fra Bella Blaskoog Sanborn. Albummet er mixet af Ari Picker og Blasko, og mastereret af Huntley Miller.
Head of Roses indeholder gæsteoptrædener fra guitarist Meg Duffy, Bon Ivers Matt McCaughan, Andy Stack fra Wye Oak og Adam Schatz fra Landlady.