Durand Jones & The Indications annoncerer nyt album - Flowers ude den 27/6


I dag annoncerer Durand Jones & The Indications, bestående af Durand Jones, Aaron Frazer og Blake Rhein, deres nye album Flowers, der udkommer d. 27. juni på Dead Oceans / Playground Music - et album der i høj grad reflekterer over bandets modenhed og de medfølgende synspunkter.

Flowers indeholder 11 sange, som udstråler erfaring, sexyhed, og glæden i den bløde side af soul og disco. 
"All of these songs touch on such mature topics, things that we never got to sing about before," fortæller Durand Jones. "We are all in our 30s, have all been through ups and downs in our personal lives and professional lives, and flowers are a sign of maturity, growth, spring, productivity."  
Frazer tilføjer: "We took the spirit of play that started the project, and added in the wisdom and lessons we've acquired through the years."

For Jones er Flowers et resultat af en væsentlig personlig transformation: "I had spent the last year and a half laying everything out that I felt insecure about — I felt insecure about my sexuality, growing up poor; about a myriad of things. I laid all of that out on the table and it made me such a stronger person, to the point that I got back to the Indications and I was way more sure of myself."

Durand Jones & The Indications udgiver i dag, sammen med annonceringen, albummets første single, 'Been So Long', med en tilhørende video.  

På singlen 'Been So Long' centreres en følelse af fornyet kammeratskab, som man for alvor kan mærke når The Indications unisont synger: “It’s been so long/since we’ve been gone/it’s good to be back together.”  
'Been So Long' er en sang, der reflekterer over den universale følelse af at vende tilbage til sin hjemby - sådan kan det også føles at finde tilbage til sine bandvenner, efter længere tid væk fra hinanden.   

1. Flowers 
2. Paradise 
3. Lovers’ Holiday 
4. I Need The Answer 
5. Flower Moon 
6. Really Wanna Be With You 
7. Been So Long 
8. Everything 
9. Rust and Steel 
10. If Not For Love 
11. Without You 

Durand Jones & The Indications
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Julier Bugge