Franz Ferdinand deler ny video og inviterer til lytteevent i København
Franz Ferdinand deler i dag en ny video til ’Night Or Day’, den seneste single fra deres kommende, nye studiealbum, The Human Fear, der er ude d. 10. januar 2025 på Domino / Playground Music.
Den nye video er opfindsom, dramatisk og æstetisk, filmet i sort og hvid.
Om sangen fortæller instruktør Rianne White:
“This song emulates the turbulent, transcendent immensity of feelings that live and breathe within four walls. Born with Franz Ferdinand in their Scottish studio, where they recorded this beauty, ‘Night or Day’ was a powerful meeting of visual and sound, all caught in the eye of 16mm black and white film. These are the storms we dance in!”
Forsanger Alex Kapranos tilføjer:
“Life may never be easy, but damn, we’ll make sure we live it up night or day. Night into day. We collaborated with the hugely talented Rianne White to capture the Drama-Noir of the environment where we recorded this and the rest of the LP. She has a sensitivity and energy which exploded into that space, giving a glimpse of the world where we made the music. Storm shake the room and boom… the dark heart of Scotland beats strong. Filmed entirely on location at AYR Studios.”
Se videoen her.
I forbindelse med det kommende album, inviterer bandet til lytteevents i mere end 50 pladebutikker verden over. Det er gratis at deltage og de, der kommer tidligt, vil modtage en eksklusiv gave (mens lager haves). Samtidig vil der være mulighed for at deltage i en lodtrækning af en limited picture disc vinyl (af albummet), og samtidig købe det nye album. Det danske lytteevent vil finde sted i Sound Station d. 9. januar, dagen før udgivelse af albummet. Mere info følger.