Geordie Greep fra black midi debuterer med soloalbum


Geordie Greep (guitarist og sanger i black midi) annoncerer i dag sit solo-debutalbum The New Sound på Rough Trade / Playground Music. Samtidig udgives albummets første single, ’Holy, Holy,’ med en tilhørende video instrueret af Ethan og Tom.

Se videoen og lyt til ’Holy, Holy’ her.

Efter tre imponerende albums med black midi, senest Hellfire fra 2023, og næsten uafbrudte verdensturnéer på det seneste fem år, har Geordie Greep på en eller anden måde fundet tid til at indspille sit soloalbum, The New Sound. Et album, der har givet ham mulighed for at udforske kreative ideer som aldrig før. Albummet præsterer høj kvalitet og omfavner alternativ pop, som man ikke har hørt den i lang tid.

Geordie Greep fortæller: “With recording ‘The New Sound’, it was the first time I have had no one to answer to. And with every impulse I had, I was able to completely follow it through to its conclusion. Being in a band (black midi), we often have this ‘we can do everything’ feeling, but you are also kind of limited in that approach, and sometimes it's good to do something else, to let go of things.”

På to kontinenter, i byerne São Paulo og London, har over tredive session-musikere været med til at skabe albummet. Greep uddyber: “Some of the tracks we had recorded already, elsewhere, but it just wasn’t right, so we re-recorded them with new people. Half of the tracks were done in Brazil, with local musicians pulled together at the last minute. They’d never heard anything I’d done before, they were just interested in the demos I’d made. The tracking was all done in one, maybe two days. Then we did the overdubs later, in London.” 
Gennem de 11 nye tracks er lytteren garanteret en mildest talt unik lytteoplevelse. Greep fortæller: “I was worried about the length in terms of not overblowing it. But I’m also really bloody bored of listening to music and, for better or worse, knowing in advance what it means or what it’s trying to do. All my favourite music is about the listener coming to terms with what is going on. My favourite singers, like Peter Hammill or Nat King Cole, are literally one of a kind. I love that. Especially with lyrics, where you’re not sure what they’re going on about, but you know it’s not just abstract thoughts.”

3.Holy, Holy
4.The New Sound
5.Walk Up
6.Through A War
7.Bongo Season
9.As If Waltz
10.The Magician
11.If You Are But A Dream

Geordie Greep 
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Julier Bugge