Heather Woods Broderick udgiver en perle af et nyt album, Labyrinth, d. 7. april
Heather Woods Broderick udgiver sit femte album, Labyrinth d. 7. april 2023 på Western Vinyl / Playground Music og har nu singlen ’Crashing Against The Sun’, klar.
Om singlen, ’Crashing Against The Sun’ fortæller Heather, “coming to terms with the realities of today, and moving through the present with a presence of mind and recognition of all the possibilities the future holds. It’s about what we cling to as reassurance or validation in our world, and how these things are often fleeting. The song illustrates a curiosity as to how those same sentiments can also have dual existence and present positivity. The subtleties of existence are full of variability. Our experience can often feel redundant, but uniqueness lies in the details. Essentially, time flies, enjoy the ride.”
Heather er født i Maine, USA og fik skubbet gang i sin karriere ved, at turnere med bl.a. Sharon Van Etten, Beth Orton, Damien Jurado og Efterklang. Hun er nu bosat i Los Angeles og begyndte her arbejdet med albummet Labyrinth tilbage i 2020.
Albummet, Labyrinth er en samling af smukke sange, der har elementer af electro- og indie-pop.
Det repræsenterer det moderne liv og de vanskeligheder, der kan være ved at navigere rundt i det. Heather beskriver rammerne og guider os samtidig til at være til stede, bevidst og forbundet. Hun fortæller “Many of us yearn for stillness and peace, as an escape from the movement all around us. Yet movement is perpetual, happening all the time on some level. It’s as wild as the wind, yet eternally predictable in its inevitability. It is linear in part, but infinite in its circuitry. Our lives just punctuate it.”
Lyt til singlen, 'Blood Run Through Me' med vokaler af Labyrinth co-producer, D. James Goodwin ogsinger-/songwriter Lisa Hannigan.