Protomartyr udgiver nyt album d. 29. maj 2020 – lyt til førstesinglen ‘Processed By The Boys’ nu
Protomartyr har netop annonceret udgivelsen af deres femte album, Ultimate Success Today, der udkommer den 29. maj 2020 på Domino Recordings / Playground Music i Norden. Ultimate Success Today følger op på udgivelsen af deres anmelderroste 2017-album Relatives In Descent, og bygger videre på den nærmest uudtømmelige kasse af muligheder for, hvordan et Protomartyr album kan lyde.
Sammen med annonceringen af det kommende album, udgiver bandet førstesinglen ’Processed By The Boys’ med en tilhørende musikvideo, instrueret af David Allen og Nathan Faustyn samt produceret af HLPTV & LooseMeat.Biz.
Se videoen og lyt til ’Processed By The Boys’ her:
Ultimate Success Today er indspillet i Dreamland Recording Studios, en kirke fra det 19. århundrede, i upstate New York, og er co-produceret af bandet selv og David Tolomei (Dirty Projectors, Beach House), med mix fra Tolomei. Albummet gæstes af en lang række artister, som blandt andet inkluderer Nandi Rose aka Half Waif (vokal), jazzlegenden Jemeel Moondoc (alt saxofon), Izaak Mills (basklarinet, saxofon, fløjte) samt Fred Lonberg-Holm (cello).
Forsanger i Protomartyr, Joe Casey, fortæller om albummet:
"The re-release of our first album had me thinking about the passage of time and its ultimate conclusion. Listening to No Passion All Technique again, I could hear myself hoping for an introduction and a long future, but also being cognizant that it could be ‘one and done’ for us. So, when it came time to write Ultimate Success Today, I was reminded of that first urgency and how it was an inverse of my current grapple with how terribly ill I’ve been feeling lately. Was that sick feeling colouring how I felt about the state of the world or was it the other way around?”
“This panic was freeing in a way. It allowed me to see our fifth album as a possible valediction of some confusingly loud five-act play. In the same light I see it as an interesting mile marker of our first decade of being a band - a crest of the hill along a long highway. Although just to cover my bases, I made sure to get my last words in while I still had the breath to say them.”
Protomartyr består af forsanger Joe Casey, guitarist Greg Agee, trommeslager Alex Leonard og bassist Scott Davidson.