Itasca vender tilbage med nyt album – Imitation of War ude d. 9/2


Kayla Cohen, bedre kendt under kunstner-navnet Itasca, returnerer med udgivelsen af sit nye album Imitation Of War, ude d. 9. februar 2024 på Paradise of Bachelors / Playground Music.
På albummet udvider sangskriver og guitarist Kayla Cohen Itasca-universet og begiver sig ind i et mere, til tider, dystert terræn med en samling af mørke kompositioner og billeder på tvetydige idyller. Med en hentydning af underspillet nødvendighed, udforsker albummet både klassiske og personlige mytologier og psykologier. Samarbejdet med Robbie Cody (Wand, Behavior) som co-producer har resulteret i ti kompositioner, der repræsenterer en række mildest talt ulmende sange i Cohens katalog.
Med annonceringen af Imitation Of War, udkommer singlen, og titeltracket, ’Imitation Of War’. Om sangen fortæller Kayla Cohen:
“This song was originally inspired by the film My Night at Maud’s, but then became much more than that—the long dialogue scene in the middle of the film where the two leads are discussing religion and self but are also conversationally dancing with and around each other. Then a few days later a friend spoke the phrase "imitation of war," and to me it became a way we operate with each other, imitating peace or war through our antagonisms, intended or not, through the ways we've all learned to be. That's where the inspiration for the title and the chorus came from, and then through working on the song more the story mostly became about chasing the muse when writing music and making art, and then taking on the costume of muse myself.”
Lyt til singlen her.

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Julier Bugge