Lambchop annoncerer deres mest uforudsigelige album til dato – The Bible ude d. 9/9


Kurt Wagner kan i dag annoncere det nye Lambchop album The Bible, der udkommer d. 30. september på City Slang / Playground Music. Sammen med annonceringen udgiver Lambchop førstesinglen ’Police Dog Blues’, om hvilken Wagner fortæller:
”During the unrest surrounding the horrific injustice in Minneapolis in 2020, I had been re-listening to a song by Blind Blake, ’Police Dog Blues’. Of note, it was originally recorded in 1929, the year my father was born, and it seems John Peel played it on his show on Sept. 11, 1968. It was deceptively upbeat musically and not what I remembered at all. Then I remembered a police dog is a Shepherd.”

Den flotte video til sangen er skabt på en Unreal 3D graphics-maskine og er instrueret af Isaac Gale. Videoen er produceret i virtual reality for at skabe det mest foruroligende billede, hvor man kan se politihunde og et hav af politifolk - bogstaveligtalt. "We took the police dog from the song title literally and imagined a city, post cop-apocalypse, overrun by German Shepherds just kinda doing their thing.", siger Gale, "White privilege and apathy in the face of disastrous reality. I don’t think it’s stretching it to compare the police in Minneapolis—where myself and the producers of the record, Ryan Olson and Andrew Broder, all live—to a human-made catastrophic disaster."

Se den vilde og spændende video her

Om albummets titel fortæller Kurt Wagner: "I had this idea that—I’m not a religious person but I do believe that there’s a spirituality to a lot of people and they’re not religious. You don’t have to be religious to be a spiritual person, right? You just don’t have to, there should be an acceptance, or a way of recognizing spirituality without it being overtly religious."

Da indspilningerne til albummet fandt sted i sommeren 2021, befandt Wagner sig i Minneapolis i en gammel malerfabrik, der nu er lavet om til øvelokale. Her betroede han sig til pianisten Andrew Broder og produceren Ryan Olson. "Ryan and Andrew, they’re like two sides of my personality," siger Wagner. "And if you put them together as a team, they represent me". Dette samarbejde markerer derfor også første gang Wagner har ladet andre producere et Lambchop album.

Deres sessions mindede Kurt Wagner om tidligere dage i Springwater Supper Club i Nashville, hvor Lambchop blev dannet til en efterfest. Fordi Wagner ikke er den, der har lavet reglerne denne gang, er musikken på The Bible også det mest uforudsigelige til dato. "And that’s joy", siger Kurt, "I feel that in what I’ve been doing all this time. It’s all about really not getting too fucking hung up being a serious fucking musician and enjoying each other’s company. It’s a social thing that we do together. And it should be enjoyable. If it’s not—which I think ends up being for most musicians as they spend their careers doing it, it becomes a fairly joyless fucking thing. And when I see that coming, I do not want it in my life. That’s just like, why do it if you’re not enjoying it?".

The Bible tracklist:
1. His Song Is Sung
2. Little Black Boxes
3. Daisy
4. Whatever Mortal
5. A Major Minor Drag
6. Police Dog Blues
7. Dylan At The Mouse Trap
8. Every Child Begins The World Again
9. So There
10. That's Music

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