Mdou Moctar annoncerer nyt album - Funeral For Justice ude d. 3/5


D. 3. maj udgiver Mdou Moctar deres nye album Funeral For Justice på Matador Records / Playground Music. Albummet er indspillet efter Mdou Moctars verdensomspændende turné, der fandt sted i forbindelse med udgivelsen af gennembrudsalbummet Afrique Victime fra 2019. På Funeral For Justicekan man opleve den nigerianske kvartet i en mere intens form end nogensinde før. Musikken er højere, hurtigere og mere vild. Guitar-soloerne trænger igennem, og teksterne er lidenskabeligt politiske, og intet holdes tilbage eller bliver tonet ned.
Sangene på Funeral For Justice taler til Niger og Tuareg-folkets kamp:
"This album is really different for me," fortæller Moctar, bandets sanger, navngiver og guitarist. "Now the problems of terrorist violence are more serious in Africa. When the US and Europe came here, they said they're going to help us, but what we see is really different. They never help us to find a solution."
"Mdou Moctar has been a strong anti-colonial band ever since I've been a part of it," siger producer og bassist Mikey Coltun, der har spillet med Moctar siden 2017. "France came in, fucked up the country, then said ‘you’re free.’ And they’re not." The song ‘Oh France’ tackles this head on: “France veils its actions in cruelty/ We are better without this turbulent relationship/ We must understand their endless lethal games.”
På førstesinglen, der også er titeltracket, adresserer Moctar de afrikanske ledere direkte, og beder dem: "Retake control of your countries, rich in resources / Build them and quit sleeping”.

Lyt til ’Funeral For Justice’ og se den tilhørende video her.
With ‘Funeral For Justice’, I really wanted this to shine with the political message because of everything that's going on. As the band got tighter and heavier live, it made sense to capture this
urgency and this aggression – it wasn't a forced thing, it was very natural,” fortæller Coltun om tilblivelsen af det kommende album.
1. Funeral For Justice
2. Imouhar
3. Takoba
4. Sousoume
5. Imagerhan
6. Tchinta
7. Djallo #1
8. Oh France
9. Modern Slaves

Mdou Moctar
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