Arctic Monkeys udgiver kortfilm og annoncerer ny 7"
I går kom Arctic Monkeys med to gode nyheder - de udgav både en kortfilm, hvor man kan se hvordan indspilningen af deres seneste album ‘Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino’ gik til, samt annoncerede nyheden om en ny 7” der inkluderer et endnu ikke udgivet nummer.
Kortfilmen 'Warp Speed Chic' går bag indspilningen af deres seneste album ‘Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino’, der blev modtaget godt af anmelderne og fik 4/5 stjerner af både NME og The Guardian. Filmen er instrueret af Ben Chappell som før har arbejdet sammen med Arctic Monkeys på musikvideoen til ”Suck it And See” fra 2011. Filmen er tidligere blevet vist som en del af bandets to AM:ZM udstillinger tilbage i september, i forbindelse med koncerter i London og Sheffeld. Filmen kan ses her.
Instruktøren Ben Chappell fortæller om filmen: “After spending a year documenting Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino I wanted to try and pull it all together in a short film. I spent a few weeks with the band in France documenting the recording process with my 16mm camera in september 2017. At that point I was still only hearing bits and pieces of the tunes as they were being recorded. Nearly a year later I was on stage with them in Lyon France shooting some of those same tunes. When the film came back from the lab I put the live songs next to my shots of them recording and found it to be quite nice. With that as a starting point, I then used James Ford's instrumental mixes of the album and put an assortment of the images we created for this album overtop giving a glimpse into the last year and the full progression of Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.”
Arctic Monkeys annoncerer sammen med den nye kortfilm også en ny 7” vinyl, der indeholder titelsangen ”Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino” samt en b-side med den nye single ”Anyways,” som ikke har været udgivet før. Vinylen udkommer den 30. november via Domino / Playground Music i Norden.
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Instruktøren Ben Chappell fortæller om filmen: “After spending a year documenting Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino I wanted to try and pull it all together in a short film. I spent a few weeks with the band in France documenting the recording process with my 16mm camera in september 2017. At that point I was still only hearing bits and pieces of the tunes as they were being recorded. Nearly a year later I was on stage with them in Lyon France shooting some of those same tunes. When the film came back from the lab I put the live songs next to my shots of them recording and found it to be quite nice. With that as a starting point, I then used James Ford's instrumental mixes of the album and put an assortment of the images we created for this album overtop giving a glimpse into the last year and the full progression of Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.”
Arctic Monkeys annoncerer sammen med den nye kortfilm også en ny 7” vinyl, der indeholder titelsangen ”Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino” samt en b-side med den nye single ”Anyways,” som ikke har været udgivet før. Vinylen udkommer den 30. november via Domino / Playground Music i Norden.
Arctic Monkeys Socials
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