Sun Kil Moon album tilgængelig som pre-ordre eller stream

Sun Kil Moons nye dobbelt album 'Common As Light And Love Are Red Valleys Of Blood' bliver udgivet på CD den 24. februar.

Albummet kan købes som pre-order allerede nu via iMusic her:…/sun-kil-moon-2017-common-as-light-a…

Eller streames via Sun Kil Moons hjemmeside:

Disc 1
God Bless Ohio
Chili Lemon Peanuts
Philadelphia Cop
The Highway Song
Lone Star
Window Sash Weights
Sarah Lawrence College Song
Butch Lullaby
Disc 2:
Stranger Than Paradise
Early June Blues
Bergen To Trondheim
I Love Portugal
Bastille Day
Vague Rock Song
Seventies TV Show Theme Song
I Love You Forever And Beyond Eternity
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