Plains (Waxahatchee og Jess Williamson) annoncerer nyt album – ude d. 14/10)


I dag annoncerer Plains, den nye duo bestående af Katie Crutchfield (Waxahatchee) og Jess Williamson, deres nye album I Walked With You A Ways. Det kommende album udkommer d. 14. oktober 2022 på ANTI- / Playground Music. Sammen med annonceringen udgiver duoen deres første single ’Problem With It’ med en dertilhørende musikvideo, som kan ses her.
Albummet og deres nordamerikanske turné er et one off-samarbejde, hvilket gør Plains til noget helt specielt. Det er et øjeblik i livet, der kan nydes lige nu, inden projektet igen ophører. Crutchfield siger:
 “I’m thrilled to announce this new project and album. I’ve felt a connection to Jess’s songwriting and a kinship with her since we met years ago. Getting to lean into the influence of the music we both grew up with while also making something that feels very current and fresh to me was a great experience and I’m so happy to finally share it.
Williamson tilføjer: "Making this record with Katie was a deeply expansive experience for me as a songwriter. I really trust her ear and sensibilities, and she encouraged me to explore aspects of my songwriting that in the past I’ve shied away from. Katie’s support was so important for me as we wrote this album. We gave ourselves permission to lean into the music that raised us and write the kind of classic timeless songs that we both grew up singing along to. For me that was The Chicks and Dolly Parton, and having a place to channel those influences was an absolute blast. My hope with Plains was to tap into something Universal. I love the album we made, and I’m so excited to play it live."
Igennem deres soloarbejde fortæller begge artister specifikke oplevelser og historier fra hver deres liv, noget der bringer lytteren ind i et helt personligt rum. Med Plains bliver lytteren inviteret ind i et delt narrativ. I musikken kan tydeligt høre essensen af Crutchfield og Williamsons venskab, der både handler om glæde og legesyghed, men også om to mennesker, der støtter hinanden og viser hinanden livets forskellige rejser.
I Walked With You A Ways er skrevet mellem Kansas City, Los Angeles og Marfa. Albummet er indspillet i Durham, NC med producer Brad Cook, og duoen har fået hjælp af bandet Spencer Tweedy og Phil Cook.
1. Summer Sun
2. Problem With It
3. Line of Sight
4. Abeline
5. Hurricane
6. Bellafatima
7. Last 2 On Earth
8. Easy
9. No Record of Wrongs
10. I Walked With You A Ways

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Julier Bugge