Gogol Bordello vender tilbage med nyt album til september – SOLIDARITINE er ude d. 16/9


D. 16. september vender Gogol Bordello tilbage med deres nye album SOLIDARITINE, der udkommer på Casa Gogol / Cooking Vinyl / Playground Music.
“This is music of survival and perseverance. That’s always been our main driving force,” fortæller forsanger Eugene Hutz. “We just want to give the world a timeless album with messages of human potential and power.” 
Bandets otte numre lange album er inspireret af overlevelse i modgang – et tema, der kan relateres både til pandemien, men ligeså meget til den igangværende krig i Ukraine, hvor Hutz selv kommer fra.
“Our music was always about perseverance,” fortæller Eugene. “Rock ‘n’ roll comes out of a real place. Take a group of people who have endured immigrant traumas and dislocation. They create music, get successful together, become more baroque and experimental, and experience some years of relative calm. All of a sudden, humankind encounters these problems like the pandemic and the war. This is when rock ‘n’ roll is the most necessary and where we perform the best.”
Gogol Bordellos syv bandmedlemmer har rødder i mange dele af verden, for eksempel i Ukraine, Ecuador og Rusland – rødder, som på forskellig vis, alle kan høres i musikken.
På SOLIDARITINE har bandet valgt New Yorker-undergrundsikonet Walter Schreifels (Gorilla Biscuit, Rival Schools, Quicksand) til at sidde i producerstolen. Sammen er de gået tilbage til bandets udgangspunkt, og lavet et mere punket værk.
“The album is really about uniting the people of goodwill. Releasing any kind of art that doesn’t address the situation in Ukraine right now would be pretty despicable.”
På Gogol Bordellos nye single ’Focus Coin’ kan man for alvor høre den punkede sjæl, der har sat ild til Eugenes kreative tilgang til det kommende album.
"The quality of your ability to focus defines everything in your life and that’s exactly what the first single, 'Focus Coin' is about. Your focus is the hardest currency there is."
Lyt til ’Focus Coin’ her.
1.  Shot of Solidaritine
2.  Focus Coin
3.  Blueprint
4.  The Era of the End of Eras (feat. HR)
5.  I’m Coming Out
6.  Knack For Life
7.  The Great Hunt of Idiot Savant
8.  Take Only What You Can Carry (feat. KAZKA)
9.  My Imaginary Son
10.  Forces of Victory (feat. Serhiy Zhadan and KAZKA)
11.  Fire On Ice Floe
12.  Gut Guidance
13.  Huckleberry Generation

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Julier Bugge