Róisín Murphy er tilbage med nyt album til september – Hit Parade ude d. 8/9


Uforlignelige og grænsesøgende Róisín Murphy kan i dag løfte sløret for sit kommende, og længeventede album Hit Parade, der udkommer d. 8. september på Ninja Tune / Playground Music. Albummet er produceret af DJ Koze.
Murphy introducerer Hit Parade med ordene:
“This record is a collaboration with DJ Koze. We worked remotely, in different countries sending tracks/ideas back and forth for several years. I always have to approach a new collaboration with openness and a willingness to learn and never more so than with this. 
The studio in this case was imaginary, in the airspace between Hamburg and London. That meant we were both in a personal, private place when working on the songs. For me that brought out a more intimate approach to the songwriting, I told this album my secrets. For Koze it meant total freedom and absolute focus without the distraction of my presence. He took a deep dive into himself and I believe that’s why the music is so vibrant and alive. It is just exploding with colour! 
It’s a joyful record, I’ve never been happier, that is partly down to personal reasons but also in my work I’ve been very fulfilled. For me the record is about love and sensuality but also it’s about music itself and how it’s always been there for me. There are tinges of darkness, of the abyss, as well as all the joy. There’s contemplation of mortality which is meant to serve as reminder to me (and perhaps you the listener) to really live while we can.”

I forbindelse med albumannonceringen udgiver Róisín Murphy den nye single ’The Universe’. Sangen giver følelsen af et bølgende svaj, der bl.a. er med til at give albummet Hit Parade dets multifacetterede liv. Et liv som vi for første gang blev introduceret til på singlen ’CooCool’. Om ’The Universe’ fortæller Róisín Murphy:
“The universe at large is playful and terrifying. There is no discernible sense to it. The story that is always being told is on multiple levels, levels we don't see or understand. The experience of being alive is to be continually reminded of how utterly unaware we are of what is really going on all around us. ”
Lyt til ’The Universe’ her.
Med Hit Parade fortsætter Murphy sin evigt udviklende og formskiftende 30-år lange karriere, bl.a. ved at teame op med DJ Koze i et samarbejde, der emmer af liv og opfindsomhed. De tretten nye sange har været seks år undervejs, men nu er de endelig klar til at se dagens lys.
‘Hit Parade’ Tracklist
1. What Not To Do
2. CooCool
3. The Universe
4. Hurtz So Bad
5. The House
6. Spacetime
7. Fader
8. Free Will
9. You Knew
10. Can’t Replicate
11.  Crazy Ants Reprise
12. Two Ways
13. Eureka 

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