Santigold annoncerer i dag nyt album Spirituals med tilhørende hudplejeserie og te – album ude d. 9/9


Santigold kan i dag annoncere udgivelsen af sit fjerde album Spirituals, der udkommer d. 9. september på Little Jerk Records / Secretly Canadian / Playground Music. For at fejre nyheden om det kommende album, udgiver Santigold den nye single ’Ain’t Ready’ med en video, der kan ses her.
Santigold fortæller:
‘Ain’t Ready’ is a song I started with Illangelo. Dre Skull and Sbtrkt came on board to help bring it home, another true collaboration of such distinct and amazing talent. It was one of those songs where as soon as I opened my mouth the whole melody just poured out. There were no words but all the emotion was there. To me, the song sounded full of struggle and perseverance. It sounded like a battle, and I wanted the production to sound tough, to mirror that grit. I struggled to find the right lyrics at first, but when I got them right, and I started singing them one night in my studio alone, I cried. This song was my own battle song. It’s about taking the hits that life brings and getting back up. It’s about change and moving forward. It’s about faith and vision. And it’s about stepping into your own power.
Som den innovative artist Santigold er, som altid er på udkig efter at bryde med diverse grænser i musikbranchen, er Spirituals det første album hun udgiver på sit eget label Little Jerk Records. Albummet indfanger følelsen af at overleve i den moderne verden, mens man løfter sig selv til nye højder. Musikken er indspillet under lockdown i 2020. Hun fortæller:
 “All of a sudden there I was with three small children out of school—just-turned-two-year-old twins and a six-year-old—I was cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and changing diapers from morning to night, with three little kids coming in and out of my bed throughout each night like musical chairs. I was losing touch with the artist me, stuck in a part of myself that was too small. I felt the other parts of me were shrinking, disappearing.
Santigold har kæmpet, men også lykkedes med, at definere et rum hvor hun har kunnet have sig selv i centrum og virtuelt kommunikere med producere og samarbejdspartnere som Rostam, Boys Noize, Dr Skull, P2J, Nick Zinner, SBTRKT, JakeOne, Illangelo, Doc McKinney, Ricky Blaze, Lido, Ray Brady og Ryan Olson.
Recording this album was a way back to myself after being stuck in survival mode. It wasn’t until I made the space to create that I realized I wasn’t only creating music but a lifeline,” siger hun. Californien brændte, man gemte sig fra en pandemi og social justice-protesten udfoldede sig. “I’d never written lyrics faster in my life. After having total writer’s block, they started pouring out. I decided to create the future, to look towards where we are going, to create beauty and pull towards that beauty. I need that for myself, but it’s also there for whoever else needs it.
I loved the idea of calling it Spirituals because it touched on the idea of Negro spirituals, which were songs that served the purpose of getting Black people through the un-get-throughable,” fortsætter hun. “In the absence of physical freedom, spirituals have traditionally been music whose sound and physical performance allow its participants to feel transcendental freedom in the moment. That’s what this record did for me.”
Siden sit seneste album har Santigold søgt nye veje til at udtrykke og udgive sine idéer. Hun har skabt Spirituals som en multisanselig oplevelse, der ikke blot inkluderer musikken og videoer, men også nye måder at dele sin virtuelle kunst med en kommende naturlig hudplejeserie samt en ny te, der begge bærer brandnavnet Spirituals. Hun udgiver også en ny podcast, hvor hun interviewer andre artister og visionære mennesker. Santigold har også noget litterært, film og andre produktlinker på tegnebrættet:
I want to continue branching out into all forms of art,” she says. “And I’m really excited to let my music take me to new places.

Spirituals tracklist:
1. My Horror
2. Nothing
3. High Priestess
4. Ushers Of The New World
5. Witness
6. Shake
7. The Lasty
8. No Paradise
9. Ain't Ready
10. Fall First

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