This Is The Kit annoncerer nyt album Careful Of Your Keepers – ude d. 9. juni


This Is The Kit har netop annonceret nyt album Careful Of Your Keepers, som er produceret af Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals) og er ude d. 9. juni på Rough Trade Records / Playground Music.

Albummets første single, ’Inside Outside’, viser Kate Stables magnetiske kraft som aldrig før. Og endnu en gang er hun ledsaget af sit trofaste band Rozi Plain (bas/vokal), Neil Smith (guitar) og Jamie Whitby-Coles (trommer) + en kaskade af horn arrangementer af Jesse Vernon. Stables forklarer om sangens reflekterende tekster: “What makes things happen? How much choice do we have? Electricity and chemistry that is out of our control? Chewing. Choosing. Internal forces or external ones? Do we just behave the way people expect us to behave?Or do they pre-empt what's happening? Before it's happened? Because they can see it in us before we know it ourselves? Big change that has been brewing for longer than we realise. Were we just ignoring it?Was it so deeply buried? Or did we see it all along but chose to ignore it? How much does anything change? Or is it just the way we see it that changes?” Se musikvideoen her, som er instrueret af Hannah Owen.

Carefuld Of Your Keepers er vovet og blød, skærende og varm – en vild bedrift af kompleksitet og kombinerende dispositioner. Der er et fælles sprog i bandets familiære oplevelser og netop dette sprog er mere hørbart end nogensinde før i disse optagelser, der oser af smukke instrumentale præsentationer. Det fremhæver den nuancerede plads, hvor Stables’ vokaler kan leve i forgrunden. ”The album was nearly called ’Goodbye Bite’. And in a way it still is,”  fortæller Stables. ”I went for Careful Of Your Keepers in the end. It’s one of my favourite songs on the album, a song that for me holds the general feeling of the album as a whole. The fragility of things. Of situations. Of relationships. Of humans. What we do to look after each other and ourselves. The passing of time and what that does to us, and how we live our lives going forward.”

Som producer fører Gruff Rhys skibet gennem de skiftende have, og Stables har beskrevet hans rolle som at være en ”tonesætter”. En figure, der er opmærksom på bandets dynamik, samtidig med at han altid følger sin intuition for hvor en ny lyd kunne finde sin plads i optagelsen. "I’ve always loved the idea of working with him somehow, and when this album started getting planned, I realized that maybe this was my chance to reach out and see if he was up for working together,”  fortæller Stables. “And he was! As if that wasn’t enough, he was also up for doing a bit of singing on the record, which totally blew my mind and made my year. His way with harmony and melody and the tone and quality of his voice is a totallykiller combo.”

Rhys fortæller om optagelsesprocessen: “They are so ridiculously talented  and every member is a great producer in their own right so it was just a matter of trying to capture the magic they make when playing live together. Their playing is by default so thoughtful and complimentary in terms of respect to each other’s parts and to the integrity of the songs themselves that it creates a beautiful foundation of often cosmic interplay that’s always in aid of Kate’s voice and vision as a songwriter.”

This Is The Kit tager på Europa tour og gæster Hotel Cecil, København d. 24. september.
Careful Of Your Keepers trackliste:

1. Goodbye Bite
2. Inside Outside
3. Take Your To Sleep
4. More Change
5. This is When The Sky Gets Big
6. Scabby Head and Legs
7. Careful of Your Keepers
8. Doomed Or More Doomed
9. Stuck in a Room
10. Dibs

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Julier Bugge